Should a Confidentiality Agreement Have a Term?


Should a Confidentiality Agreement Have a Term?

Confidentiality agreements are commonly used in various industries to protect sensitive information. These agreements, also known as non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), establish a legal obligation for individuals or entities to keep certain information confidential. However, one question that often arises is whether a confidentiality agreement should have a specific term.

According to, there is no universally correct answer to this question. Some confidentiality agreements may have a specific term, while others may be perpetual and continue indefinitely. The best approach may depend on the specific circumstances and needs of the parties involved.

In an agreement on economic and technical cooperation between the governments of the Philippines and China, for example, a specific term might be necessary to ensure that the confidential information remains protected only for a certain period of time. This could be particularly important in situations where the information is time-sensitive or may lose its value over time.

On the other hand, some confidentiality agreements, like the Serapis framework agreement, may be intended to protect sensitive information indefinitely. This could be the case in industries where proprietary knowledge and trade secrets are involved, as the value of such information may not diminish or expire over time.

It’s also important to consider the potential consequences of breaching a confidentiality agreement. According to, a breach of an enterprise agreement claim can result in legal disputes and financial penalties. Therefore, the duration of the agreement should be carefully evaluated to ensure that it provides adequate protection for the parties involved.

While the decision of whether to include a specific term in a confidentiality agreement may vary, it is crucial for the parties to fully understand the terms and implications of the agreement. This includes seeking legal advice, if necessary, to ensure that the agreement aligns with their goals and objectives.

In other contexts, such as the sample maternity leave agreement, the inclusion of a specific term may be relevant to outline the duration of the leave and the rights and responsibilities of both the employer and the employee during that time.

Ultimately, whether a confidentiality agreement should have a term depends on the specific circumstances and the parties’ preferences. It is important to carefully consider the nature of the information being protected, the potential consequences of a breach, and the intended duration of the agreement. By doing so, the parties can create a confidentiality agreement that meets their needs and provides adequate protection.

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