Supreme Court Rejects Whistleblower Appeal


Today the United States Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal of an Alabama whistleblower in a case against a hospital in Mobile.

We first told you about the case when it was dismissed by the trial court. It was an unusual case to reach all the way to the Supreme Court as the whistleblower admitted that his claim, that multiple patients were “billed” for drugs from the same vial, did not even effect the amount billed, as the records in question were purely inventory records and were not included in bills to the government. Nonetheless, he pursued his case first to the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, in Atlanta, and utlimately to the United States Supremee Court. Today the Supreme Court refused to hear the case or, in legal parlance, “denied certiorari.”

The hospital was represented by David B. Honig, of Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman.

For more information, please contact David B. Honig at or (317) 977-1447.

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